Time away and artistic musings

November 19, 2008

Sorry I’ve been away all.  I’ve been reading, and Between a beautiful piece on adaptability over at grinding.be and a social critique on the coming generation.  (It won’t allow the link for some reason.  The URL is http://encarta.msn.com/encnet/Departments/College/?article=SoLongMillennials&GT1=27004 )  Anyway, I’ve been busy with some art as well.

Inspired by current events and Stencil art, I’ve been working on a series of stencil art designs which began back when I did the logo for this blog.  Here are a few of the better ones I’ve done so far.  I plan to continue along this strain.    These are at Scaled down versions.  Click on them.  Or drop me a line at Pronoiadize@gmail.com



I’d appreciate comments if you have them.  See you all later, I won’t abandon you again.

Short and sweet.

November 5, 2008

I want my Jetpack.  We’re officially in the future now.  A black man is president and CNN is using Holograms to interview candidates.  Next time around we’ll all be voting via RFID swipes or mind interface scans.  I still don’t have a jetpack.  See you all tomorrow.  I have a bit of a headache.

The Last Frontier gets a price cut

October 31, 2008

Commercialization of Space travel and satelites is an evolving field nowadays, getting cheaper and more privatized with each passing year.  Here’s a nice little article on the current state of affairs via the Economist.  Great little bit there on Rene Anselmo, who broke the monopoly on the heavens with his company, PanAmSat.  A nice read, and possibly a big step towards cheap personal satelites?  Who needs verizon when you can be your own provider?

Twitter Bear

October 30, 2008

found this little bit over at hackedgadgets.  Seems someone has hacked an animatronic teddy bear to speak twitter feeds out loud, wirelessly. an impressive feat of gadgetry, to be sure.  My only qualm is that they chose to use this technology for twitter, of all things.  Who wants a bear in the corner of their room telling them when their friends are pooping?  My sister has one of those bears, by the way.  That out of the way, I’d like to talk about news sources.  I’d like to update the blog more often, but I need some new sources of stories.  If anyone has anything counterculture, futuretech, steampunk, cyberpunk, hacking, electronics, or just plain interesting, please snd me your links at pronoiadise@gmail.com.  I’m anxiously awaiting it.


October 30, 2008

djsures has created an autonomous Wall-E toy hack.  Providing servo motors for the limbs and wheels and one to tilt the head, a new brain and a thousand lines of C code to make the thing think.  Check out the video here, with original credit for the story from Hackaday.  Just a little update today because my lif is rather ectic right now.

I’m typing this in voice recognition software

October 29, 2008

This entire post is being made using Dragon NaturallySpeaking professional.  We’ve reached the future people.  I can type a blog without typing a blog.  I haven’t had to correct a single thing yet.  I feel like a radio broadcaster, except no one pays attention to this.  I could get used to this.  I may soon forget how to type.  in the future, no one will have the most rudimentary reading skills or writing skills, we’ll all just say what we want to say into whatever cyberspace then exists.  I have seen the future, and it involves microphones.  Until then, pronoia signing off.

Gimme that Old Time Radio

October 28, 2008

I have an unhealthy need to consume fiction.  I am watching, reading or listening to something roughly 90% of my waking life.  In my ongoing quest to find new material, I ran across a little geocities site focusing on old time radio dramas.  Check it out here for a happy little blast from the past.  I must confess I have a predilection for detective fiction, and this is the medium that perfected it in my eyes.  Enjoy.  It’s aged like fine wine.

Organic Wires

October 27, 2008

Interesting post on TG daily about tiny organic wires.  These wires are self forming and are small enough to function within individual cells.  This could be significant in reforming lost nerve connections for paralyzed people.  It’s interesting for other reasons as well though.  Imagine the miniaturization options this technology represents.   Inter cell technology could hold any number of meanings for the body mod/ transhuman/ cyborg crowds.  I for one wouldn’t mind a tiny radio in my ear, or a strengthening of reflexes via doubling connections.  Hopefully this isn’t one of those “never hear of it again” things.

For the Musical among You

October 27, 2008

I present a blog full of wonder and bemusement, Dayvan Zombear, a wonderful source for the obscure and the worldly.  If you aren’t of the pirating type, you can at least use it as a source for finding new music, that you can then buy or whatever it is people with money do to music.  Anyways, check it out.  Lots of great world music and some interesting independent stuff.  Happy surfing, and feel free to send me links to anything you find particularly gripping.  Have a great day, Pronoia out.


October 27, 2008

For those of you interested in working more on the hardware side of things, I present the lessons section of Electronic Labs From the basics to mid level, It’ll teach you what you need to know to begin fabricating circuits and getting functional electronics going.  It’ll come in handy when you need to block RFID ports or start up that pirate radio station you’ve always wanted.  Or, you know, install some LEDs on your box.  Short post, but I just wanted to get this out.   Peace.